Friday 2 September 2011

T.G.I.F. + Frosh!

Last weekend before school starts! I've been terribly busy with the rest of my executives for our campus association to organize an EPIC presentation (imo at least) for the incoming class of 2015. Ahhh, nostalgia is kicking in as I remember how 4 years ago, I was a froshie, having no clue what university life was like, didn't know anyone (or the people I did know where in different programs) and now 4 years later, I've met so many people and made so many friends. Time does fly when you're having fun (and studying like a premed harhar!). I ended off this hectic week by paying a trip to the mall because there were some sales going on and I had several coupons that I was planning to use. Now, originally, my intention of going to the mall was to get supplies for one of the "carnival" stations that our association was planning to do for Frosh but me being me, saw too many awesome sales going on that I just had to stop in at those stores (H&M and Tommy Hilfiger I'm looking at you) so what was supposed to be a 15 minute trip took 2 hours. Nonetheless, I feel happy now - good deals + new clothes for the fall = what more could a girl ask for?

Will be enjoying the long weekend with my family...and perhaps dedicate some time to my applications ;)

Have a great long weekend everyone!


  1. This post definitely makes me want to go out shopping! I hope the presentation was a success! Keep up the good work, Cass!

  2. The presentation was a hit amongst the froshies! And shopping is always a great way for me to relieve stress XD


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